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Yunxi Li ( You can call me Carol as well)



The Central Academy of Fine Arts - Beijing 2015

RMIT - Melbourne till now


As a result of learning Fine arts and Photography for several years,  I found that they are all connected. They are both a form of visual communication connected to light, color, narrative stories and humanity.


Photography is not just about trying to capture beauty. It is an interaction between a human and a machine and it requires control. There is a great deal of experimentation that takes place in photography that is a union of science and art. Adjusting camera settings into the unfamiliar leaves me with results I do not always have an explanation for and changes my perception of the world around me. This quest of understanding continues to foster my sense of inquiry. 


I draw inspiration from life, novels and movies.  Photography have a peace in my mind. The destination is not important. It’s been passionate all along the way that is important.


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